Herman "Realty Pro Herman" Campbell's avatar
Herman "Realty Pro Herman" Campbell's avatar
Herman "Realty Pro Herman" Campbell
Citiwide Properties Corporation1508 Southern Pine Drive, Savannah, TX 76227
Looking to buy or sell a home?

Your trusted Agent, building relationships that last.

Herman has a strong devotion to service and values trust and confidence in relationships with clients. Herman is dedicated to superior service and is sensitive to the client’s buying and selling needs.

With over 26 years of public service, the last 13 years of which supervising and managing State government employees, Herman would be an asset to any organization. Managing personnel and getting the best production out of them, while keeping morale high, is what he did best.

Customer service is also a major strength of his that will translate nicely into any endeavor that deals with the public. Herman has 4+ years working as a Realtor, State Tax Consultant and Property Management Services provider.

During Herman's career in public service his motto was, "I live to serve." He has revised my motto to, "Realty Pro Herman lives to serve his clients!"



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Herman "Realty Pro Herman" Campbell's avatar
Herman "Realty Pro Herman" Campbell
Citiwide Properties Corporation

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